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Our office investigates complaints that haven't been solved by Canada Post to your satisfaction. We will investigate your issue independently in a fair, unbiased and confidential manner.

Appeal process

Discuss your issue with Canada Post customer service first.

Canada Post customer service must have investigated and closed your ticket before you contact us. We can’t treat an appeal without their work being completed. Contact customer service to get a service ticket number if you don’t have one.

Submit your appeal to us online.

Our online form is the fastest way to submit your appeal. You will need to include all relevant documentation, like receipts, and be able to upload them. You can also fax or mail a paper application using our printable form.

We'll keep you updated.

We'll follow up with you within 5-10 business days to confirm the course of action in your case.

We'll investigate your issue within the scope of our mandate.

We are independent of Canada Post and rely on a fact-based process to assess whether it reasonably applied its policies and procedures in the handling of your complaint.

Your appeal status

Use the form below to check the status of your appeal.

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